– Урядова «гаряча лінія» для дзвінків із-за кордону (оплата за тарифами відповідного оператора зв’язку)

– «гаряча лінія» з питань Міністерства оборони України

– «гаряча лінія» із соціальних питань

– «гаряча лінія» з питань протидії торгівлі людьми та домашньому насильству

– «гаряча лінія» з питань енергозабезпечення «СТРУМ»

– «гаряча лінія» з питань освіти для мешканців тимчасово окупованих територій

– «гаряча лінія» Міндовкілля на зв’язку з питань захисту довкілля та природних ресурсів України

– «гаряча лінія» з питань безпеки дітей в Інтернеті
Гаряча лінія для громадян з порушенням слуху:

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Урядова “гаряча лінія” 1545(webcall)
Пн-Чт 9:00 – 18:00, Пт 9:00 – 16:45
Про Центнр


On May 27, 2009, the Government of Ukraine established the “Social Contact Point” state institution (order No. 1) to ensure prompt response by the executive authorities to complaints from citizens, enterprises, institutions and organizations, business entities, local governments and their interaction during the consideration of such appeals Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 27, 2009 No. 579-r), the Center was subordinate to the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine.


Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 12 August 2009 No. 898 (as amended by Government Decree No. 636 of 28 July 2010, No. 577 of 7 August 2013, No. 677 of 26 November 2014, dated

February 11, 2016 No. 82) approved the procedure for interaction between executive authorities, the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the government agency “Government Contact Center” to ensure prompt response to applications that are received by the government’s hotline, the Single Web Portal of Executive Bodies and the Government telephone inquiry.

On July 28, 2010 (Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of July 28, 2010 No. 1552), the state institution “Social Contact Center” was renamed to the state institution “Government Contact Center”.

Government Resolution No. 589 of June 9, 2011 approved the Concept of the National Processing System for Appeals to Executive Bodies, which foresees, among other things, the creation of contact centers in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional cities in Kyiv and Sevastopol and ensuring their interaction with Government Contact Center.


Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 18, 2012 No. 21 (as amended by Government Decree No. 82 of February 11, 2016) approved the Regulations on the National Processing System for Appeals to Executive Authorities and the Model Regulations on the Contact Center of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the region ,

years. Kiev and Sevastopol. The specified Regulations stipulate that coordination of activities, methodological support of contact centers, preparation and maintenance of the information retrieval directory of the automated information database of appeals and other tasks are entrusted to the Government Contact Center.

In accordance with the legislation of Ukraine on improving the regulation of the use of dormitories, their content and ensuring the rights of citizens who live in hostels, in June 2012, a specialized hotline was organized on the issues of ensuring the implementation of housing rights of dormitory residents on the basis of the Governmental Contact Center (letter Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on June 14, 2012 № 7605/0 / 2-12).

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 20, 2013 No. 148-p amended the Concept for the establishment of a national processing system for appeals to executive bodies approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on June 9, 2011 No. 589 (Official Gazette of Ukraine, 2011, № 47, article 1925), replacing in the second paragraph of the section “The purpose and timing of the implementation of the Concept” figures “2012” on the figures “2013”.

With the aim of introducing an effective mechanism for feedback from the public about reports of discovered facts of corruption offenses in the regions, a specialized hotline was set up in 2013 on the basis of the Government Contact Center to address citizens on issues of corruption in central and local executive authorities, municipal institutions.


By Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of July 24, 2013

No. 614-p approved the Concept of the State Target Program for the Establishment and Operation of the Information System for the Provision of Administrative Services for the Period until 2017, which, inter alia, provides for the establishment and operation of a round-the-clock Government telephone inquiry on administrative services on the basis of the Governmental Contact Center a separate multi-channel phone number.

Expanded opportunities for solving the problems that our citizens face outside the country, since September

2013, a new separate multi-channel number (+38 044) 284-19-15 was created for receiving applications for a government hotline from Ukrainian citizens who are staying abroad.

In accordance with the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from

On June 11, 2014, No. 588, a specialized hotline was set up on the basis of the Government Contact Center to inform Ukrainian citizens who are moving from the temporarily occupied territory and the areas where the antiterrorist operation was being conducted.


The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1269-r of December 2, 2015 approved the Concept for the establishment of a National Contact Center on the basis of the Government Contact Point and ensuring its functioning.

In accordance with the instructions of the Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, on December 3 and 8, 2015, a specialized hotline was introduced to help participants and victims during the Revolution of Virtue.

By Order No. 182-r of the Cabinet of Ministers of March 2, 2016, an action plan was approved for the implementation of the Concept for the Establishment of a National Contact Point, the main result of which should be to increase the level of public confidence in the actions of the Government and the receipt by citizens of an additional mechanism for prompt resolution of problematic issues.

Since May 11, 2016, the Government Contact Point has opened a hotline for entrepreneurs on a separate phone 0-800-503-045 to file complaints about abuses or corrupt practices of public authorities, as well as proposals on the Government’s measures to improve the business environment.


At the initiative of the Government Contact Center, for calls to the government hotline from July 26

In 2016, a reduced number of 1545 was introduced at the national level. Calls to the government hotline 1545 from the Ukrtelecom fixed network, mobile phones from Kyivstar, Vodafone Ukraine, and Layfsell to applicants are free.

In order to implement the legislation on raising the minimum wage since January 1, 2017, citizens can apply for a government hotline on problem issues, report cases of violations of labor laws related to raising the minimum wage.


On the initiative of the Government (protocol decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 41 of June 21, 2017), in January of 2018, the government contact center “Government Contact Center” established a sector for receiving complaints using the sign language of the organization for receiving applications for the possibility of citizens with disabilities speech and hearing with the help of Skype-communication to apply to the government “hotline” 1545 with proposals (comments), applications (petitions), complaints addressed to the executive authorities.

In pursuance of the order of the State Secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Bondarenko V.V. on February 9, 2018, by the order of Acting Director Antonenko E. A. from February 23, 2018 No. 16-OD, the Government Contact Center organized a hotline for candidates to the position of specialists in the field of reform (044) 284-19-64. You can also contact e-mail: career@ukc.gov.ua. Employees of the Center provide professional citizens with professional advice on employment issues for positions on reform in central executive bodies and the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers.

In connection with the launch of the campaign for the selection of a primary care physician, the government contact center has been working since April 2 on a new direction: advising citizens on the telephone of the government hotline 1545 on medical reform.